About Maja

My name is Maja Mika. A a yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, author, and retreat organiser. If you want to know who I am beneath those titles, the answer is: I am a human being on a spiritual journey – just like YOU!

My Story

In 2014, I was studying Film Production at university and was an aspiring documentary film maker. At the same time I was struggling with depression, severe anxiety, self-harming, self-sabotage, and thoughts of ending my life. I was 18 years old and completely lost. This is when yoga entered my life. I went to a local class at the gym and honestly didn't expect much. I thought yoga is about stretching, I thought it was just another form of exercise. It was during that yoga class that for the first time I felt my body as my own. I began to notice how my breath impacts my emotional state and finally in shavasana I experienced the essence of the present moment. I connected to my breath, my body, and my inner state of awareness for the very first time.

Over the next 10 years, I dived in to various different practices to discover who I am, why I am the way I am and who do I want to be. Day by day, I started to rebuild my mental and emotional wellbeing. One day at a time, I chose to seeking light over darkness, and I am deeply grateful to still be here today. I gathered tools from different schools around the world, learnt to harness the power within and seek to share all that I know with others.

My Mission

My mission is to gently remind you that you are the creator of your life. At any given moment, you have the power to rewrite your story, let go of limiting beliefs, and start again. We all have shadow and light within us and its when we accept and embrace both, we find peace within. I aim to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where you can explore and deepen your connection to your body, mind, and spirit. I believe it is from a place of self awareness and trust that we create a fulfilling life.

I am here to help you reconnect with your body, trust your heart, and remember that all the answers you seek are already inside of you. Together, I will support you as you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment where you let your inner light shine.

“You are the creator of your life. Anything is possible, dream big.”

— Maja